Yellow contemporary vase


This handmade ceramic vase in a vibrant yellow hue, boasting a uniquely captivating donut-shaped design that redefines contemporary aesthetics. This exquisite piece adds an artistic touch to your indoor decor, making it an ideal choice for showcasing floral arrangements or simply standing as a statement decor item. Its unconventional shape adds a modern flair to any interior setting, making it a favored choice among interior designers seeking to infuse creativity and vibrancy. This yellow ceramic vase effortlessly bridges the gap between art and functionality, allowing you to seamlessly integrate it into your interior designing endeavors.

Product Details

Height: 11 Inch
Width: 7.5 Inch
Weight: 1300 gms

Care Guide

Dry Wipe


Your product will be dispatched on same day and within 7-10 working days depending upon the location, you will received your product.

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